Monday, January 10, 2011

The Army Green Ghoul

The crisp, damp air seemed eerie to my friends and I as we ventured to the forbidden Castle Pinckney located on Shutes’ Folly Island a mile offshore of Charleston. Castle Pinckney had been constructed in 1810 by the US government as a small fort to ward off enemies. It was utilized as a place to store artillery during the Civil War and many prisoners of war during that time as well. Many still believe POWs that died in the dungeon of Castle Pinckney haunt the castle to this day. No one to speak of has ever spent a whole night on the island since the prisoners were held captive. On the evening of October 10th, 2010 my friends and I vowed to stay all night at Castle Pinckney unless all voted otherwise. What we experienced that autumn night was horrifying.

As we approached the island in our little john boat, we heard chilling groaning, ringing in our ears, seemingly to be coming from the core of the island. Once the john boat crept closer, we witnessed a mysterious creature coming towards us as if to welcome us. The army green being bestowed us a slow distinct wink with its one large eye that was sunk into the middle top part of his body. His wink seemed to serve as a warning and the need for us to travel the island with him. He murmured something out of his straight solemn mouth. We couldn’t understand him, but all felt compelled to follow. Where were we following this 6 foot fur ball of mass with a spiky black Mohawk and pointy red ears? … to our death or to some untold history? He looked back with his skinny straight purple arms raised. He held up his hands that matched his army green fur with three fingers on each hand. He counted down with his fingers from six to zero and then proceeded down the cold narrow stairwell that looked as if leading us to hell. He scampered down on his purple flat oval shaped feet to where it appeared the POWs had once lived. The stench overcame us and the screams and groans were too much for us to bear. We all ran frantically out screaming at the top of our lungs back to john boat. Once we were all accounted for, we crazily paddled back through the harbor. We unanimously polled we would all leave Castle Pinckney alone forever!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Voice Thread... way cool technology

This is the true wave of the future- you can communicate about any topic with anyone from all over the world! It is truly a phenomenon that you should check out! The possibilities of using this technology in the classroom are endless!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Flickr... better way to share photos

Wow... what an amazing technique to use and to be able to geotag photos, videos and audio files. What a great way for educators to take students on virtual 'field trips' around the world. Students can use flickr to upload their own photos and compare and contrast their way of life/culture with others from all over the world. Pretty cool... here's my flickr account (very simple and small so far) to check out:


Wikis are the new way of sharing and editing information. It provides a way for educators to collaborate and provide a collaborative way for students to contribute as well! Here is where my wiki is and shows that there is a true freedom of speech in using wikis...